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How to continue growing your business during covid19 pandemic lock-down. (Excerpts from Vinod Mehra)

Updated: Mar 29, 2020

The following information is based on my understanding from listening to Mr. Vinod Mehra about how to grow during lockdown period.

In current times we are growing faster than ever we advent of social media we are more connected than ever. And with the same thing come the issues of too much knowledge. Awareness is a good thing but too much of anything is harmful, and maybe that’s what we need to do today. What we need to do today is have a social media distancing as well. We check social media more than ten times a day and often have this fear of missing out (FOMO) which keeps making us going back again and again, but consider this. Close your eyes, and imagine the red color, keep doing it for 3 mins, and now open your eyes and look around, you will spot red color easily, and it will be your center of focus as well. This is called the Tetris effect. When you do this whole day via social media, you are prone to seeing more negativity around you while it should be the opposite of that. It should be 90 % productive hours and 10 % social media (lesser is better)

Learning one: If you focus on positive you will see a positive part of the world. And it's needed today to avoid losing your positive energy to social media negativity.

Learning two: Look at how much reserve you have. you have free time now to look at your finances, scrutinize them, understand and prepare an expense sheet. Remove the non-essentials and now look at the sheet again. How long can you stay afloat? maybe two months? or three? Now whatever time you got, stretch it, stretch it even more than you think is possible and now look at the expense sheets again. You should be able to find out so many things you could stay without.

Learning three: Talk to your team members. Bring the transparency. Tell them about the problems you are facing as a team leader and don’t stress as these things are not in your control. Neither is in control of them. What you can control is how you as a team can recover from such situations, from what’s happening today. Show them your expenses and overhead and when you have the transparency, they will trust you more and survive together. Learning four: Work 110%. Ask yourself and your team to work more than you are required. Don’t overburden them with more work but ask them to work 100% and 10% for other team members. When you see people contributing to your work, you feel more motivated to give back, they feel motivated to work even harder. and that’s the extra mile they go to. Be transparent and be humane with your team members, they are the ones you need to survive with.

Learning five: In 2008, the crisis was ongoing in the middle east and many businesses were shutting down. Vinod Mehra’s boss asked the sales team to look at the gaps in businesses. and afterward how to fill those gaps, Today’s situation is comparable and its time for you to look at your business and see where do gaps lie. Recognize them, fill them and don’t be afraid to change

Learning six: Define the roles of the team members, as well as yours. Daily, weekly basis, and monthly basis. Plan today for tomorrow. it's easier to finish short term goals which are part of long term plans. If you make just monthly or daily plans, then they are likely to fail as they don’t cover one thing or another.

Learning seven: Train your people how to work from home. They are today’s needs. Even if the situation improves a work from a team approach can help. It often motivates people and makes them more effective when they are in they do not have to worry about travel, traffic and many other issues. Look at the free tools, there’s room for up to 100 people team, google hangouts for 10 people team. And many more which you can surely lookup

Learning eight: Currently people are consuming lots of digital content. Find ways to publish organic content. Share with your customers, tell them what’s new and update them about new technology, or options, or choices they have today. Learning nine: Train your people about social selling which is B2B selling, sales training is really important, especially for large organizations where costumers get to meet only salespeople and not you. They need to know how to sell. Learning ten: Right now you can get great discounts on raw material. All non-essential materials are going on great discounts and if your business needs them, why not see what cash you can spare and buy them today. Or see service providers who can provide a great deal to you today? Businesses today, want tomorrow's future-proofing.

Learning eleven: Build up your network. There are online tools like LinkedIn and social media. Clear those inbox! The best part of growing your network on social media is, that you are not limited to geographical boundaries. You can grow beyond your reach! and that’s where scalability might lie for your business. If you are happy you perform better. Block out negative news. For just 24 hours, stop looking at news and see the transformation in your well-being.

Read seven habits of highly effective people Stephen Covey Don’t take responsibility for things that are not in your control but work on what you can do today! Learn something new! Maybe that dusty guitar lying in the corner, or maybe just a new language. A team head is better than going alone. Collective Group Wisdom is proven from time to time, sit with your team and brainstorm! Try to find what’s stopping you from your growth story. Improve your strategy and relaunch your business Ultimate productivity comes from people and processes, both need to be working in sync and their best for success.


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